Aptrumi SMP

A Cobblemon community like no other!

Trainer's Manual

Here's a guide for everything you need to know about Aptrumi SMP.

Discord Rules

Be respectful towards members and staff.

This means that you treat others with kindness and empathy. Do not harass other players over their opinions or lifestyle.

If someone's opinion or action is harmful, report it to staff.

No excessive swearing or insults. Hate speech, encouraging self-harm, sexual comments, etc. are not allowed.

We understand sometimes a situation calls for a cuss, but using swears like punctuation will warrant action from staff. Playfully bickering with friends is fine, but if someone asks for the bickering to stop, respect their request and quit it. Anything beyond that will result in a ban.

Your nickname on the discord server must include your minecraft IGN and not be comprised of fancy symbols.

This is so that we can find members in case something happens in the minecraft server that requires contacting them. The no symbols aspect is so that staff can easily ping individuals if necessary. If your server nickname is not easily pingable due to fancy text, staff will change it to PINGABLE NAME.

No spamming.

Give everyone a chance to chat and don't clutter discussions with spam. If you need to share a novel's worth of emojis or the entire bee movie script, don't do so in channels meant for discussion.

No Raiding

Raiding will result in an immediate ban. Trolls will be dealt with in similar manner.

Owner has final say in arguments.

In case staff is undecided on a matter, the owner will make the final decision.

No alternate accounts.

This is to avoid ban evasion. In case of account loss, you can join on a new one and the old account will be kicked.

Members must be 18+ to join.

If you were at least 16+ prior to this rule's implementation, you will not be removed from the server.

Chat Guidelines

Failure to adhere to these will result in action from staff.

Discord Channels

Confused on where to go for what in the discord server? Here's a breakdown of things for you.

Getting Started

Server Related Channels

Social Channels

Discord Channel Visibility Issue

Since this is a common problem people face, here's the steps to fix being unable to see all the channels in the Discord server while on PC.

  1. On the top left of the discord window, click the down arrow next to the server name.
  2. In the menu that appears, click show all channels to make the checkbox beside that option checked in.
  3. Have fun!

Discord Roles

Not sure who to ping for what? This should help.



Special Ranks


These are special roles acquired by attending or winning certain in-game events.

Game Rules

The discord rules and chat guidelines apply to the in-game chat.

Staff has access to all messages sent in game.

Avoid building/claiming in towns or too close to others without their permission first.

In case of abandoned builds/claims, check our policy regarding them.

Griefing and stealing are not allowed.

If you need resources from another player, you must get their permission to take them even if they are not claimed.

Hacking is not allowed.

For client-side quality of life mods, just check with staff first.

Using client-side mods to crack the world seed, x-ray, or otherwise give an unfair advantage is a bannable offense. This includes configuring Xaero's World Map to locate structures not noticable in natural gameplay.

Do not decimate public farms.

Replant crops, leave animal pairs, etc.

In case of accidental damage or overharvesting, depending on the situation, the player may only have to rebuild or resupply.

Avoid having laggy farms.

You must have either an off switch (toggleable redstone lamps) or isolated location for hostile mob producing farms.

Limit your passive mob farm output as these were a huge source of lag in the past.

No PVP without all parties involved agreeing to it.

Killing without consent is not allowed. Accidentally hitting someone is fine, but going out of your way to attack other players isn't.

Using glitches that give an unfair advantage are not allowed.

Item or block duplication fall under this rule.

F3 Pie Chart loot finding also falls under this rule.

On the inverse, reporting a glitch or bug to staff that they were not previously aware of will reward the player who reported it.

To reduce lag, pasture block usage is limited.

Only three pasture blocks may be used by a player at a time.

Pasture blocks must be a great distance from each other if housing more than four pokemon.

This rule is subject to change dependant on lag.

To allow fair access to loot, no claiming major structures.

This includes end cities, nether fortresses, piglin bastions, and villages. You can claim parts of villages for your own personal base, storage, and so on, but completely locking out other players is not allowed.

No Rare Catch Sniping!

If a shiny/legendary spawns near another player, they get priority in catching it. If someone snipes it from them without permission, it is theft and will be treated as such.

Spawn Platform Guidelines

These are rules regarding spawn platforms, AKA Artificial Habitats. You can learn more here on the discord server.

A maximum of two official copies of the same Artificial Habitat may exist at a time in the region.

If there are two Mangrove Swamp habitats, do not create a third one.

Artificial Habitats must be a maximum of 64 meters in radius from the AFK area, and shall not exceed this size.

4 chunks maximum from the AFK area to any of the edges.

Artificial Habitats must be at least a thousand blocks away from any populated areas or useful construction.

This is to avoid crowding areas people want to build.

Artificial Habitats must be open to the public.

An exception is that the Artificial Habitat is part of something constructed that encompasses more than just the platform.

Private Artificial Habitats may exist, but after fulfilling their purpose, they are to be made public or taken down.

Previous rules do not apply to extra dimensional spaces.

You may make Spawning Platforms at your leisure in the End/Nether.

Character/Roleplay Rules

These rules apply to all in-character interaction, both in Minecraft and on discord. If you don't plan to roleplay, you can skip this section.

Make sure your character info in the lore forum on the discord server has all the applicable information

This extends into concealing information about a character until after roleplaying with them.

Permission to kill/injure (PTK) and reason to kill/injure (RTK) are both required in roleplay.

This extends into no characters being evil for the sake of evil. We'll have plenty of evil NPCs to fight.

Understand that actions have consequences.

Being rude in roleplay can get you targeted or avoided.

Your character should fit the setting.

All trainers are human, with few exceptions.

If your character has grown enough in roleplay, post an update on their info in the lore forum on the discord server.

This can also be for tracking their progress in the roleplay events.

Aptrumi Pokemon League Rules

Want to join the roster? Fill out this form.

League Trainers must have in-character information.

You can post your character info in the lore forum of the discord server.

League Trainers must have a theme to their team.

This does not need to be a specific type.

There can be duplicate base themes.

If the theme differs enough, there can be two League Trainers with the same baseline to their theme team.

Minecraft Guides

Abandoned Claims

In case you come across a build in the way of things that appears abandoned, here is what to do.

Abandoned & Unclaimed: If the build has no sign of life/ownership and is being obstructive, place a sign with something like "Who are you? Contact [USERNAME] on Discord before [DATE]." on a door/chest/thing of note. The date should be at least a week from the sign placement. If no one reaches out, tear it down, BUT DON'T STEAL THE BLOCKS/ITEMS. Instead put a chest somewhere in the vicinity with the resources and a sign with something like "abandoned build please relocate" on it.

Abandoned & Claimed: Reach out to the claim owner. You can check this by opening the FTB map and hovering over the claim. This is why your Minecraft IGN needs to be in your nickname on the Discord. If they don't respond after a week, reach out to staff to delete the claim. Like with unclaimed abandoned builds, it is good etiquette to put the resources there aside in case the original owner comes back later.

Player on Hiatus: People's lives get busy, sometimes too busy to play on the server. In these cases, staff can set their claims as Legacies. This means the structure will be safe until the player can return, but their friends can access it.

Empty, Abandoned, & Claimed: If nothing is in an area for a prolonged period (over a week) and yet it is claimed in a way that obstructs you, reach out to staff to handle the situation.

Claiming Land

How to Claim: When you open your map by pressing N by default, you can right click chunks in your vicinity to claim or unclaim them. To configure your claim options, ' is the default keybind for opening those up.

Xaero's Radar Fix

If your Xaero's Minimap and World Map mods don't show vanilla mobs, follow these steps:

  1. Press Y to open your map settings.
  2. Select Entity Radar Settings.
  3. Select Entity Category Settings.
  4. Click Reset Defaults.

Community Guides

These are guides regarding the server's community. This includes things like events and towns.

Becoming an Official Town/City

In order to become an established town or city, you must meet the following criteria:

  1. There must be three or more residents in the area.
  2. The area must have a public pokemon center.
  3. The area must have a waystone in a central location.
  4. The area must have two or more quests for players to complete.
  5. The area must have a representative, this can be in the form of a mayor or another title. This person doesn't have to be in addition to the minimum residents to be made official.
  6. The representative submits information about the town to staff for the region lore.

Joining a Town/City

Most towns and cities are open for newcomers, however you must always check to see if this is the case. A quick way of checking is reading through the town listings and see what requirements they have or reaching out to the mayors of the town in question.

An example of this could be Sorrowmyst from season one, which had the following requirements for living in their city:

Becoming an Ace or Elite Trainer

In order to become a part of our League Challenges you must have the following:

  1. An area set aside to battle in. This can be a full arena, a shady alleyway, or your backyard. It just needs room to battle and a PC nearby.
  2. One non-battle challenges/quests for the gym. These can be a redstone puzzle, a fetch quest, a trivia quiz, and so on.
  3. A team with a theme of some sort.
  4. A prize in mind that Challengers get once they complete your challenge.
  5. You must create a human trainer5 character for yourself that can be added to the lore.

To submit a League Trainer application, fill out this form.

There can be duplicate League Challenges as long as they differ enough to not be exact copies of each other.

League Challengers

Here are the guidelines regarding challenging the league.

To begin your journey as a League Challenger, you need at least one pokemon to battle with.

Creating Quests

Once a town or city is officially established, their representative will be in charge of managing quests for the area. These quests can be created using signs on a notice board, player interaction over text or voice chat, or whatever medium works for those involved.

Simple Quest Examples:

Complex/Group Quest Examples:

Ban Appeals

If you'd like to appeal your banned status, please do so by submitting a ticket on the discord server or contacting us by email. We will do what we can with any and all evidence provided, but can't guarantee anything in your favor.